Thursday, March 23, 2006

There is a day

There is a day, in the spring, here where I live, when the hills hit their most maximal green point. I do not know if we have reached it yet, but we are close. Then after the pinnacle, they slowly start to fade to yellow and then brown. I am so enjoying the spring weather and the beauty of the green hills as I drive to and from work. I always try to see if I can perceive slight differences in the green-ness from day-to-day. When I was driving into work everyday, it was hard. When I only drive in once or twice a week (what I do now) it is easier to tell the difference in the color. I love spring (probably the rare person who doesn't eh?).

Yes, you can tell from the tone of this post that today was a little better of a day than yesterday. I was really busy with work and I have a headache (didn't get enough sleep or caffeine), but I am in better spirits. We are meeting with the designer/construction firm tomorrow. I will keep you updated on what happens there.

My husband and I sat down and talked about what we would be willing to cut out for the project in an effort to reduce costs. We'll see how much they are willing to negotiate. Not just in terms of price, that is very important, but also in terms of start date. They need to work to fix the relationship they damaged. I think that in many ways we might be better off working with someone else. I think this company thinks they are too good and they need to realize that no one is so good that they can just abuse clients.

Anyway... More soon.

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