Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Me, Me, Me, it's all about me!

I'm feeling much closer to how I feel when I'm not pregnant. I was just starting to feel like "me" again after K (22 months) was born and then POOF I was pregnant with T (7 months). I feel good when I am pregnant, and I have a lot of energy, but now I am feeling like me again. I sure hope that doesn't get me pregnant again. (We have medical technology on our side this time to prevent that!)

I feel good. I feel energetic. I am feeling more patient (the pregnancy hormones make me tired and less patient). I'm feeling like I can usually figure out how to manage situations with the girls and keep them from crying. Parenting, and keeping kids happy, requires a great deal of mental gymnastics (and sometimes physical)! One has to feel agile, ready to do silly things, and ready to assess situations and intervene quickly to keep them smiling. When I was pregnant and then right after T was born, I couldn't do it. There was a lot of crying at our house, from the girls and me. Now I feel like ME again and more importantly I feel like I can do this parenting gig much better.

I'm still overwhelmed a lot. I still feel like this is the toughest most important job I've ever done, but I also feel like I just might be able to be up for the challenge.

Whew... Everybody join in with a rousing chorus of "I feel GOOD....na-nananana na-"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When you're in the thick of the most overwhelming times it feels like you'll never feel like yourself again. It's great that you're past that point!