Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Still tired...

So this will be another stream of consciousness post...

K and N's gymnastic classes were today. Again very very fun! I am so glad I signed the girls up for these classes even though I'm sure that the classes are where they got their colds. Pretty much every kid there today was coughing, or needing to blow his or her nose. I was a little worried about taking my girls this morning 'cause I didn't want them to infect any one. It doesn't seem like other people worried about that though. (And yes, I should just get over my germ phobia because germs are a fact of life. Especially with 3. One will probably always have something in the next 3-5 years.) I'm pretty sure K and N aren't contagious any more since they got sick on Friday, but N (4) still has a runny nose and a bad sounding cough. K (20 months) doesn't really have any symptoms other than a very occasional cough and she is acting a tiny bit calmer than usual.

I'm probably the contagious one now. I think that I'm fighting this cold off now. My throat is a teeny tiny bit sore. No other symptoms though and hopefully my immune system will win without the virus doing too much damage to me. (Aren't you glad this is coming at you through the Internet, and not in person? No germs!)

This afternoon I had a long heart-to-heart with the nanny and I feel better and I think she does. I have been stewing about some things since August. I know better than to stew... I should have spoken to her sooner. Oh, well, at least I did it today and didn't wait longer.

My cell phone is a mystery to me. I'm trying to figure out if I can send email from it. I think I can, but I think I might need to pay to get email service in place. The stupid cell phone service provider I use has too long of a wait on its help phone line though and I can't ever hold on long enough to talk to them.

My back is slowly feeling better... I used to always use the sling with the girls so that it was over my right shoulder. I have started trying to wear it over my left shoulder now. It's awkward, 'cause I'm so used to the right side, but having it on the left helps relieve pain on my right side. I used it over my right shoulder tonight and I'm regretting that now.

Okay... I should sleep now... Exhaustion is taking over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is the rule: Runny nose, lively kid, send 'em out.

Fever, Barfing in the last 24, keep 'em home. Possible exception for barfing caused by clearly identifiable one-time event...like massive tantrum or a sip of month-old milk.

If they're feeling to low to participate, you don't go.

Coughing? It's a degree thing. Discretionary. Something had to be.

You've been sheltered! But unfortunately, unless you decide to home school them in the basement, you're in for it now...