Tuesday, January 31, 2006

A little tired

T (5 months) has been very congested at night the last two nights and is having a difficult time sleeping. She's normally a great sleeper. Since I'm really not used to not sleeping, the past two nights have been hard on me. She will sleep, but she needs to be more propped up and she wants to be on me. On Sunday night she and I slept in the rocking chair for about 2 hours and then went back to bed for about an hour and then went back to the rocking chair. I got a decent amount of sleep, considering she's congested (and teething!) (the top 4 teeth are so ready to pop through--you can see them).

I would have been fine, but last night, I stayed up late working (till almost 1 am) and then she woke up at 2:30. I strapped her on with the Kozy carrier and went into the rocking chair. She feel asleep after about 1/2 hour of me rocking and soothing her. We slept there till about 5:17 am (but who's keeping track?). Then we went back to bed and slept in bed till 6:44 (again, who's keeping track?). Then we went back to the chair. My alarm went off at 7:30 and I turned it off. She and I slept till 8:42 and then I got us up. My neck and back weren't real happy about the chair sleeping, but I needed sleep!

I was pretty darn exhausted when she woke up at 2:30. I could barely stand. My husband suggested something helpful, like why don't you walk with her, while I was rocking while she was still fussing. I was far too exhausted to walk with her. Rocking her was the only option. I would have risked her safety had I tried to walk with her. When I asked him about it this morning he didn't remember it. (I do all the night time stuff because I just get silly/stupid when I'm tired. He gets grumpy when he's tired. I prefer me stupid to him grumpy.)

Anyway... I highly recommend strapping on the non-sleeping baby and rocking. I didn't have to worry about letting go of her while I was asleep. She was secure and I got a decent amount of sleep in that chair. As I mentioned above, my neck and back are telling me about it, but I'm at least mostly awake today. I can't do too many more nights like these last two and still function well cognitively, but for now we're okay. If she doesn't sleep better tonight we're going to the pediatrician tomorrow to have her ears checked I think.

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