Thursday, January 26, 2006


If you are a clueless person who is walking behind your 14 month old who is toddling very very very slowly, don't tell me we should leave open the door that leads to the pool because Billy* is exploring and having fun toddling inside and outside. It's not your house. If it were your house, I wouldn't complain. You could leave the damn door open and I wouldn't say anything. It's not my house either, and yes, it's lovely that little Billy* wants to toddle in and outside, but by not shutting the door, you are making my life hell. You are just clueless!

My 20 month old, K, who runs so fast it makes your head spin, is trying to dart outside and jump in the pool. You're wondering what, "Sim! SIMMMMMMM!" yelled at the top of her lungs means???? Swim... She wants to go swim. She would jump in the pool if I let go of her for 2 seconds. Do you not understand that???? When I try to shut the door so that I can pay attention to one of my other 3, please leave it shut. Yes, you only have one, but I have 3. Your one, who is toddling, is less active than my 5 month old it looks like. No, you can't help me by watching my 20 month old. She would end up in the pool if I let you watch her.

*Name changed to protect the innocent.

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