Sunday, January 01, 2006


It's a new year. Why does New Year's Day feel differently than other days? It's not. It's just a day that we mark with the importance of starting a new year. It is all fresh and shiny and new. Not really, but I'll play along.

Out with the Old
Last night we went to a party to mark the monumentous occasion. It was a kid-friendly party. However, we were the only people there with 3 kids. We also had the youngest kids. It was an ok party... Not great. In part because it was too small. I like intimate gatherings as much as the next person, but this was an intimate gathering with a whole bunch of people who were all really good friends plus us. We are friends with the host and hostess, but not the other people who were at the party. The other people were nice enough, but we didn't know them. They all hang out a lot so we didn't know what they were discussing. We were a little bored. It was nice to see the host and hostess, and our kiddos got to play with different toys, but the party itself wasn't that exciting. We spent the last hour with the five of us in a room full of their child's toys. We left fairly early.

In with the New
We got home before the New Year actually rolled in and got the older two in bed and then put on a DVD to watch. We're just starting the series Wonderfalls. So far, two episodes in, we're enjoying it. We're also watching Scrubs, but we don't have any DVDs from that show currently. We are NetFlix people. Almost all of our entertainment comes from there. Actually, it's kind of cool because we have had NetFlix for so long that we have the original price plan which includes 4 DVDs at a time rather than the 3 that they offer, but 4 for the price of 3 a month. I know, we're too cool. One of the perks for being an early adopter of NetFlix.

After we finished watching Wonderfalls, we rang in the New Year with the traditional kiss and then got ready for bed. We're boring, but happy. We're in the kid-phase right now. The very young kid-phase. Our life won't be like this forever. Already, T (4 months) is getting so big. This morning, all 3 of the girls were on the bed in a row beside me. It was too cute.

My new year resolution is to create a schedule that works so that I can spend quality time with each girl alone each week, get my work done, and not feel stressed. Good luck to me!

I am not a schedule person so this will be a challenge. I'm a "schedule of the day" kind of person. A fly by the seat of my pants kind of spontaneous person. I'm pretty good at it too. In addition, my work is also a kind of work that is hard to schedule. I work for a company that consults to a great many clients. Our schedules are client-driven. I've gotten better at controlling things in the last 3 years so maybe I'll just work harder at controlling things even more this year. I dislike schedules cause I have to work so hard at keeping them.... Sigh. I already feel like I've done more planning in the last 4 months (since T arrived) than I did in the previous 3X years of my life. Sigh again. Here goes.

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