Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Hello... Daddy?

K (19.5 months) picked up one of her new play phones... My husband was standing in the kitchen. She looked at him and said, "Hello Daddy?"

He said hi back. She kept looking at him and saying hello. He finally figured out that she wanted him to pick up the phone from our kitchen. She wanted to have a phone conversation with Daddy. So cute!

On a related note, N (almost 4) has started answering our real phone. She answered it one time when I called and I asked her if she knew it was going to be me and she said, "Yes. She answered it one other time when the nanny was calling. She had a nice chat with the nanny and then failed to get me when it was time. The nanny had to call back on my cell phone to get me. We've now given N phone lessons.

N also called me one day, with Daddy's help, and left me a voice mail. It was too sweet. She has such a little girl voice on the phone. She sounds older in person to me than she does on the phone.

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