Sunday, December 11, 2005

Documenting our life and Rambling in the process

Today we went and got our Christmas Tree. The holidays are arriving in our house. Tonight we decorate. We got a 7(-ish) foot Douglas Fir. N (almost 4) is so excited to decorate the tree. K (19 months) was pretty excited about seeing the trees at the lot. I told her we were going to get one and have it in our house. She seemed to think this was a fine idea, but she looked a little baffled too. Almost as if she was thinking, "Why Mommy? Why are we going to put a big tree in our house??? That's just a little weird, but okay, if you say it's tradition. It just seems a little weird to me. Weird in a good way, but weird nevertheless." T (3.5 months) was a wonderful little one at the lot and smiled and made cute squealing noises (her new thing), but doesn't seem that into the tree idea. (Just wait till next year I tell her.)

It’s so odd to me that at this time last year, T had firmly implanted herself into my body, but I didn’t know it. She was rapidly dividing and working on making her presence known. In fact, this weekend one year ago, I proclaimed to a set of girlfriends that I thought 3 might be fun, but that my dear husband would like to wait a while before we discussed it. (Oh how funny this seems now.) (My dear husband was much cooler when we found out that we were pregnant than I was…. More about this later.)

Anyway, back to the cute squealing noises... N never made them. I was glad at the time. I felt sorry for my friends who had squealing babies. Even happy squealing ones. N was a very quiet yet talkative, serious yet happy, baby. She loved Peek-a-Boo from a very young age. It still makes her giggle now. K was a more happy-go-lucky baby than N. She made a few more squealing noises, but mostly they were out of frustration not happiness. T seems to be our happy bubbly squealer. Today, N is fairly serious, intense, fearless and adventuresome. K is more cautious, fairly mellow, and very carefree. T seems like she’s going to be just downright silly and fun and totally mellow.

Both N and K are very independent, but in different ways. N’s personal motto is, “Nothing can stop the N______!” (She made this up and it totally fits!) N is independent in a very headstrong way. K is independent in a very competent way. T hasn’t shown much independence yet (she’s only 3.5 months), but I imagine she’ll be independent in her own way. N reminds me of me and K reminds me of him in terms of personality. It will be so much fun to watch T’s personality develop.

OK…. I am rambling now. Perhaps this is why I have trouble with the whole blog notion… I like to blog about things that I’m thinking about because I write and think better than if I’m just putting it into my journal…. However, I worry that other people will read this and just shake their head at my self-involvedness…. But then I remember that this is my blog and I can do with it what I want. If people don’t like reading it, they don’t have to read it. I’m ok with that. I am doing this primarily for me and my little ones and if other people read this and enjoy it or learn from it, great. If not, no big deal.

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