Sunday, November 13, 2005

On the weight loss front (File under boring to everyone except me)

I think the diet (from this moment forward to be known as the if lots of BBQ chips then no ice cream diet) is working. My scale at home this morning said about 1.5 pounds less than it did last Sunday morning. Yay! Happy dance.

My scale at home is not as good as the scale at the fitness center. That scale says about 4 pounds less than my naked morning weight when I'm in my workout clothes at the end of the day. I truly love that scale right now. I was so excited last week when I stood on the scale and saw how much lower it was. Then I realized it was just a lie. I hadn't really lost 4 pounds in one workout. Oh, well, it was still nice and made me happy for a moment. It also gave me the encouragement I needed to keep not eating those BBQ chips that call to me. I realized that if I had the weight that I have on the fitness center at home on my scale at home then I know I would be able to fit in 1 more pair of my jeans and that I'd be really really close to fitting in a second pair.


(Sidebar: If you care, my preference is to eat ice cream and not BBQ chips. Cookies and Cream ice cream is my favorite right now. I did really well every day last week and just had ice cream except for (yesterday) Saturday when I gave in to an urge for BBQ chips. Then I just had about 1/4 of the bag so I allowed myself a little ice cream.)

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