Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The K report

K had her 18-month check up. She's 26 pounds 2 ounces and 32.25-ish inches. She's about 75th weight and 60th height. Her head is 75th. She got one shot. A HiB. She's a big talker and tries to do everything her big sister does. She tries with all her might to get dressed all by herself. She can almost put on her pants--sometimes. She is very emotional and laughs easily and cries easily. We're totally in the midst of tantrums. She throws herself down on the floor and rolls around. I can't wait till she can be bribed (e.g., wear your barrette and we'll go to the park). She loves "Old MacDonald" (the song) and the ABC song. She is very very interested in letters (more on this soon). She loves baths! She LOVES Elmo.

K has many opinions about many things. One of which is shoes. She loves her tennis shoes and black shoes, but refuses to wear the little navy blue shoes I just bought for her. I'm hoping if they sit out for a few days she'll accept them. She loves her little white summery shoes and her tevas. She loves to put on her sister's shoes or my shoes. For an 18 month old, she is actually very good about getting on the shoes (hers and ours).

K won't wear a barrette and has hair that falls in her eyes a lot, so we hair spray it back. A few hours later, it's back in her eyes. She is very strawberry blonde in the back with a little bit of curl on the end. Her bangs are white-ish blonde. She has china doll skin and big round blue eyes.

K is totally in a Mom-mom stage. She loves to give me hugs. I love to give her hugs. It works out well. She is much snugglier than her older sister N. She is still nursing and says NEESE when she wants to nurse. She's basically down to one nap a day, but she gets so tired and still kind of needs 2 unless she takes a 3 hour nap (she's done this a few times and it is most excellent for me).

K goes to bed at 8:30 pm and then at 9 pm (ish) when her big sister goes to bed she gets up and snuggles for a few minutes. (K & N share a room and it works really well. When T is a little older (about 6-9 months) we'll have her join her big sisters and share a room with them. We'll have enough rooms for all the girls when they get older, but I think when they are so little that they should all sleep together. It makes me feel better knowing they aren't alone. When I was a kid, I always wanted to share a room with someone--my parents got me a dog eventually.) Anyway, K usually sleeps till around 8 am. We wish she'd sleep a little bit later and sometimes when we're lucky and she will sleep till 9 am. (We are not morning people around here!)

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