Tuesday, November 08, 2005

First day back at the office

Today was my first day back at the office. I worked some my entire maternity "leave" so it's not actually my first day back at work. I've worked about 10 hour per week since T was 4 weeks old. Going back to the office is different than working at home.

Before going to the office I took K (almost 18 months) to Target, went to the coffee shop and got my second caffeine fix, and came home and nursed T and pumped (at the same time) for her. I then corralled N and drove her to preschool. By the time I got to work at 1 pm I was exhausted!

First order of business was to head for lunch since I never actually got breakfast, just caffeine, this morning. I walked into the cafeteria and it felt like home. There was a smell of stir-fry in the air and I knew what I'd eat for lunch as soon as I smelled it. It was good to see all the cafeteria folks. They take care of me. They cook for me and nourish me--they've fed me as I gestated 3 babes.

After I grabbed lunch I headed back to my office. I stopped by my supervisor's office and ate lunch while catching up with what he's doing. Then I went through most of my in-box on the door. You get lots of stuff in 16 weeks! I checked email and then began searching for an old email, from about 4 years ago, to find out if we were still talking with the same person (at another organization) now as we were then... and to refresh my memory of what she was like if we are still talking with her.

At 3 pm (time's almost up) (I figure 2 hours at the office for a first day back is good) I'm still searching for that four year old email. I have accomplished saying "hello" to a colleague and getting an update from another colleague on another project. I work on about 3-4 projects at any one time and it's fun. I'm feeling like I didn't actually accomplish anything major today, but I'm not feeling overwhelmed and I got a little "into the loop" again. I race out of work at 3:15-ish to go pick up N. I get confused in our parking lot at work... I'm not lost but I keep going the wrong way and it takes me about 6 minutes to get out of the stupid parking lot--GRRRR!

It's now midnight and I've just finished editing some things and am ready to send a few emails. (I finally found that old email. We are still talking with the same person.) I'm feeling a little more stressed now. I'm wondering how I'll ever do it all with 3 little girls. I tell myself that it will be okay as the holidays are approaching and nothing ever gets done around the holidays. By January T will be older and I'll be able to do more. (Maybe I can spend the holiday break catching up.)


Random thoughts... I've been working where I work for 9 years now. I remember when I used to work 60-80 hours a week. For the last 4 years it's been almost impossible to work 20 hours a week. Exactly 4 years ago I hadn't even started my first maternity leave. I'm now returning from my third. Who would have thunk it??? Not me!

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