Wednesday, August 19, 2009

sort of the end of summer

Or maybe, it's supposed to be the end of summer. We went to oNe's school tonight to find out who her teacher is and it looks like she has a good one. As we were at school, oNe sounded like she was gonna cough up a lung. She didn't really run around and play or do much. I was worried.

We get home and she's still coughing up a lung... I'm kind of hoping if I ignore it, she'll be better. Finally, I can't ignore it and I take her temperature. 102.

Ugh. Our school requires everyone to be there... I don't know what to do. I decide, I'll take her, germy and all and let them send her home. Then I email some Mom-friends and they suggest I take her into urgent care tonight and get the doctor's note that will keep her from having to be at school. Brilliant friends I have.

Here we sit at urgent care right now. We're waiting for the doctor to come in and see her. It's been a while. Poor girl is sick, and bored. She'd rather be at home in her bed and I don't blame her one little bit.

to be continued....

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