Wednesday, August 05, 2009

End of Summer

It's almost the end of summer. I dislike transitions. I don't think many people do. This morning, I was VERY tired. I realized how painful it will be to go back to school and figure out a new schedule. Remember how I said it's good I'm not teaching... Well, it's good I'm not teaching. I have so much to do to get us ready.

I have to

1) Figure out Fall extracurricular activities

2) Figure out new nanny schedule so I can a) get my work done and b) volunteer in twoK and oNe's classes.

3) Work on all the stuff I need to do for work. Yesterday's sense of peace and "not being behind" at work is ALL gone. I just went through a proposal we sent to a client. I'm not the lead on the project, but apparently I should have been paying closer attention to the project. We are supposed to have an insane amount of stuff done by 9/30. There is no way we can manage to do it.

Next week, we will have to determine what is realistic now. I am officially NO LONGER BORED. I should know better than to say "I am feeling a touch of boredom..." I am now, stressed. Good times....(I actually don't like to be bored, but I don't like feeling totally stressed either. I am sure when the leader of the project comes back, we'll make a good game plan and it will be okay.

Okay! And we're off....

1 comment:

PS said...

Yea, remember how I said that I didn't have much work after getting back from the workshop? Hah. Now I'm slammed with more than I can do before early September when we go in for classroom studies. I think we should always overestimate your commitments because new must-do's will be inserted!