Wednesday, August 05, 2009

One issue

Maybe, now that it's after 5 pm and I'm "waking up" (I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON), it was a good thing for me to have signed up for this early morning gymnastics camp. It's making me realize that one of the things about school that is hard is that I LOSE precious work time. I really like getting up at 7:30* and getting an hour in the morning (before the girls are awake) to think about what I need to do at work and get started working.

I *think* I might need to have our n3nny come early a couple of days a week so I can get some of this precious time. She doesn't mind mornings (so she says) and she could get the girls ready for school.... Hrmmm... I need to keep this in mind as I think about the schedule.

*No, I don't mean I like 7:30 am, but I mean that this process of some ME time to think early in the morning is ESSENTIAL for me to be a productive human.

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