Thursday, October 12, 2006


With the upgrade of my blog and the nifty new counting tools and labeling thing, I just learned that I didn't publish as many posts as I thought in my first year of blogging.

In my blogoversary post I wrote this...

So will I make it to blogoversary two? Make a bet as to how many posts you think I'll make in the next year... Will I do more than 753 or fewer? Bets taken now. Winners announced 8/20/2007.

I did write that many, but I didn't publish all of them. I did publish about 450, but I guess that's still a lot. It seems like a let down though. I am sorry to disappoint you all. It was an honest mistake. I found the number, and I thought it was the number of published posts, but apparently it was all posts.

Just for reference, I now have 907 posts, but only 558 (559 if you count this one) are published. Someday I'll get my act together and publish more. Heh.

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