Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Random Random -- Cats and Blogs

Topic 1

Cute Cat Blog

Cats in sinks

There's a link to this one from Cats in sinks, but Kitten war deserves its own link from my blog.

Plus, it's an interactive game that you can play with your little one(s). Both K (21 months) and N (4) love to look at the pictures with me and choose the cutest kitty.

Plus plus, when I sent it to my Mom, she said she never got to the end.

If you have any favorite kitty sites, let me know.

Topic 2

I do have several semi-intelligent blog posts started, but I just never have enough time to finish them... EVER. It's frustrating. (I actually have 100+ blog posts saved as drafts because I start but can't finish either because they are too personal and should actually just be in my own journal, or because it requires too much thought to make them work. How many blog posts do you have in draft form in your blog?)

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