Monday, October 03, 2005

Alone with 3

Today, I was alone with all three. I have been alone with all 3 before, but not for more than an hour or so. This was the first extended period of time. Yes, I was scared. Yes, I am a wimp.

The first hour was fine. 2 of the 3 were asleep. Then one of those sleeping ones woke up. No problem. I can handle two--especially the older one and the baby. I figured I'd have 1/2 hour with the baby and she'd fall back asleep before the other one (16 months old) would wake. Nope. 9 minutes after the baby woke up, the older one awoke too. Let the baby juggling begin.

4 minutes with all 3 awake and I'm sweating. Only 2 hours and 16 minutes (but who's counting) till back-up arrives. Deep breath... I laid the baby under her symphony-in-motion mobile in her cradle figuring that would buy me 5-10 minutes that I could start lunch for the 16 month old. I got 5 minutes. The 16 month old was eating and I hear the baby cry. I sprint up the stairs and sling the baby. Okay... coax the 16 month old to eat and stay seated in her chair. 16 month old decides she'd rather run around with pieces of her pot-pie than eat sitting down. End lunch for 16 month old. Catch her as she runs by, remove bib, wash hands.

Only 2 hours and 10 minutes to go. Let the two older ones run around and wear themselves out. Watch older daughter and 16 month-old fight over swing. Only 2 hours and 4 minutes to go. Hear phone ring and find out that my back up can't make it today. Want to cry. Realize that I now have 5 hours to go till back up arrives. Suck it up and take a really deep breath. After about a half hour the baby falls asleep. Realize that we all will survive, but it will be crazy. Decide to embrace the insanity instead of fighting it.

Some things you can do with 3.
Walk around the house with the baby in the sling and the two older ones and sing Old MacDonald and make up some new animals and new animal sounds. Do 50 verses... kill 10 minutes.

Put on a video for the older 2 and get 20-30 minutes of rest.

Second nap for the 16 month old buys you 1.25 hours of time with just two.

Whew... I'm trying to enjoy my time with the wee ones. I love them dearly, but when I'm alone with them, I'm scared. It's not that I'm scared of them, but rather that I'm scared that I can't handle them and that something will happen to one (or more) of them under my watch. I have to keep telling myself that it will get easier. It will, it will.

With one child, it was a cake-walk (why didn't I realize it at the time though????). With two, it was pretty easy, it took some getting used to, but it wasn't bad. With three, I have been promoted to the point of incompetence.

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