Saturday, October 01, 2005


Why did I start this blog...

I'm addicted to the blogosphere and I have a job where I need to be up-to-date on all things technology so I decided to try it. I played around with TypePad last year and it was nice (but it cost money after one month). Then I had to sign up for membership on Blogger to comment on one of the blogs I read regularly. I figured that it would be fun to try a blog again since I already had the account.

Last year, my TypePad blog experiment resulted in exactly 4 posts... I pulled it all down after the free trial period and felt like I understood creating a blog. None of my posts were that exciting, and I did not feel compelled to keep writing. I already keep a private journal of accomplishments of the kids and what we're doing in our life. It's long, fairly detailed (factually) and helps me remember things, but it is just for me and for the girls when they are older.

More explanations...

My husband is a very private person. I am a fairly private person and I respect his need for privacy and that results in a need to be fairly anonymous. I won't blog about too many details of my life. This blog is a chance for me to think about the issues that I'm facing adjusting to 3. If people who are interested in parenting find this blog and make helpful comments, that's great. I haven't yet decided if I'll share the link.

I'm not a writer, nor do I have a desire to be one, nor is writing traditionally an outlet for me. (Kickboxing or other physical exercise is.) I am doing this to help me organize my thoughts and remember what we went through as new parents of three... My journal helps with helping me remember, but I'm rarely reflective in the journal. I just tend to record events. Out here in the blogosphere, I know that someone might read this and it might help them think through something similar or they might have a comment for me that might help me.

For me, right now, this blog is all about reflecting--something that is nearly impossible to do in the day-to-day craziness of 3 little (very very little) girls.

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