Saturday, September 19, 2015


A text chat with a friend... She's pregnant and lots of questions.  I tried my best to remember.

            was oNe the pregnancy where you liked caffeine?
            I didn't like it or dislike it; I tried not to drink it
            ‘cause I’d had a miscarriage
            but then around week 15 or 16 I had some and MWH said, NEVER give it up again.


            He said I was so unlike myself.
            I couldn’t drink it at the end though ‘cause it gave me really bad heartburn with N
            I googled “can you die of heartburn.”
            you can’t….
            you just might want to

            It feels like you can

            You mentioned that during one of your pregnancies if it wasn't caffeinated you weren't interested.

            With twoK, she didn’t like caffeine
            at all.
            but I did drink a little tea… Chai teas.
            from Starbucks.
            she loved SOY.  She LOVED miso soup
            (Chai with soy)
            I really like lemony iced teas 
            (she loved soy steamers with vanilla)
            Haha! I bet!
            Three-a loved everything except citrus
            I still don’t like citrus
            I like lemons and limes now
            but I hate oranges/tangerines/etc.
            Did you like them before Three-a?
             yes. But now the thought of citrus can still send me over the edge. She likes citrus.
            Haha. That's so wild!
            I nearly lost it after eating a tangerine with her
            we called her Tangerine Pie in utero
            or SUUUUUURPRISE (that's what we called her a lot)

I start posts sometimes

And don't finish them.

(HA... I wrote this in March.)

Start of the school year

I just found this (written in August).

At the moment, girls are good. I am worried that 8th grade is going to be difficult for oNe emotionally 'cause she doesn't have friends in her classes. I'm hopeful that she has grown since 6th and it won't be as bad.

We will be agonizing over this most of the year, I fear.

twoK got into a very advanced level in ballet at a studio far from our house. She really wants to do it. She's starting middle school and has all of the emotional stuff going on there, and is working very hard in her dance. I love dance, but sometimes it can make you feel less than confident. She struggles with that. I hope this opportunity help her grow.

Three-a, she's super confident, has three really wonderful friends, they are all in the same fifth-grade class, and is very enthusiastic about almost everything. I guess that's not true, but everything she pursues, she pursues with A smile all the time, it seems. When she is sad or upset it is shocking.

(The good news is so far, 8th hasn't been that bad.)

(2 posts in one day... who'd have thought!?)

Another Aura and another post

Wow...  More 9 months this time...

I had an aura this morning.  It's been A LONG time.  The last time I wrote about one here was 2013... I think I had one since then and didn't blog it, but I can't remember for sure.  I think I was slightly dehydrated the last couple of days...

oNe's had one and now twoK's had 2.  For sure, after one of the aura's twoK had a headache afterwards.

Okay... to take ibuprofen or not, that is the question.

The bummer about the migraine is that it takes a couple days to get my head "all back" after one.  It just feels thick and confused.

Big sigh.

What else is new?  8th grade for oNe... She is doing well.  Still loving horses, trumpet, and tap.  She blogs now and her last post was about horses.  I hope I didn't give too much away about our identity.

twoK is in 6th grade.  That's middle school.  She's transitioning well.  She's also dancing a lot now with the professional school in our area.  Who knows what will happen.  I don't want her to be a professional dancer, but I want to give her the opportunity to dance as much as she can and become as good as she can. I'm super proud of her for wanting to dance. She's an introvert (I think) and it's hard for her, but she's working on it because she loves to dance.

Three-a...5th grade.  She's got 3 best friends in her class.  She's playing softball, taking a programming class, dancing, and trumpet. She's such an extrovert.

What else?  MWH and I are getting ready for our 17th anniversary! Really?  Am I doing the math right?  I just checked... Crazy! We met 19 years ago, so next year will be 20 years of hanging out together.  I am a very lucky girl.

I think I'll end here now.  I'll try to come back again soon... Yea, right. Believe it when you see it.

Oh, happy blogovesary to me.  It was last month.  It was my 10th anniversary here.  Oops... I should have done more.  Alas.  I