Monday, April 23, 2012


Last week, we went to a nearby organic farm and we met a sweet little calf.  She was alone in a little pen because she being weaned from her Mama so the farm could have more milk fro the Mama cow.  The little calf was stressed and sad.  She would cry when she was alone.  This upset the girls.  They thought it was WRONG for the poor cow to have to be by herself, away from her Mama.  oNe doesn't like milk very much and this pushed her over the edge to become no-dairy.

oNe's not quite vegan, but she's getting close.  She'll still eat eggs... We still plan to get our own chickens so we can be sure the chickens who lay our eggs have good care.  She'll also still eat honey (vegans don't).

On a related note, I was shopping for shoes for the girls and just ordered these for the girls.  OhMyGosh, they are cute.  I kept looking and found these for me.  Note, mine are vegan.  I'm guessing the girls' are vegan, too.

I can't decide if I tell oNe about her shoes being vegan or not.  If I do tell her, I run the risk of her never wearing non-vegan shoes again.  I think I'll wait.  I feel a little bad about not telling her about leather as she's eating the way she's eating for health benefits and to be kinder and gentler to the animals.  

What would you do?

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