Friday, October 07, 2011

Deeply Unhappy

No, not me. I'm very sad, but not deeply unhappy.  There is a difference between being sad and unhappy. I reserve deeply unhappy term for the woman at the drugstore who yelled at the clerk at the check-out stand.  I'm not sure what he did, but he's been working at the drugstore forever, and he's a super gentle personality.  I can't believe he did anything to deserve the violent wrath she spewed his way.  One older woman said, she must have had a big fight with her husband this morning and then took it out on the clerk.  I agreed.

On another note, I am very sad.  I got a very (bitter)sweet email from my friend telling me she got sad being at Grandparent's day at her school.  She was sad for me and the girls--xoxo to her.  I am very sad when I think about the girls not having my Mom to love them.  She LOVED her grandchildren.  My niece, who is an adult, cried a lot when she thought about my girls not having her in their lives at least until they were older.  Okay, can't think much more about this.  I'm getting a headache.  Seriously, my head starts to hurt when I think about her loss.  I hope I'm not a bad person for delaying the processing of her loss.  It really hurts too much right now.

Continuing with the sadness theme, I am very sad about the loss of Steve Jobs.  I was in the same location with him a couple of times, but I don't think I ever spoke with him, not even a "hello."  Like most of the people on the planet, he transformed and made my life better.  I would have liked to have told him thank you, but when I saw him was in his intense days.  He became a gentle, inspiring soul after his illness.  In his earlier days, he demanded more than most people could imagine and he challenged people beyond their limits.  It worked.  He left a dent in the universe.  I'll be forever grateful for his existence.

Okay, that's all I have.  I'm so drained.

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