Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I had an aura, today, at work. It was just a little one, hence the name of this post. Then I had a little headache--hopefully not a migrito.

My head still feels slightly off, but I didn't take anything. I had a teeny bit of coffee and a cup of tea, but no tylenol or advil.

The good news is it's been over a year since I've had an aura (according to the blog). Like the last one I had, it was on the right side.... Who knows why my aura's changed sides! Crazy.

What do I think caused it? I think I was slightly dehydrated, stressed because I am excited about school starting for the girls, this is positive, but I'm still stressed, and I got less sleep than usual. I couldn't go to sleep last night because I was so excited about school. I found out who their teachers were last night... (shhhhh! I found out early from one of my teacher friends. I didn't tell the girls. I let them find out this afternoon with everyone else.) I'm absolutely thrilled about their teachers! It's going to be a fun year! Now, I just need to go to sleep.

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