I am not in Zumba; it is currently class time, but last night, twoK (accidentally) kicked me in the head while she was doing a handstand. It was one of those accidents that really shouldn't have happened. She should have known better than to do a handstand when I was sitting on the floor right next to her; I should have known better than sit on the floor when I was talking to N3nny and sort of distracted while the girls were around and spazzing out.
But alas, the accident occurred, and now my head REALLY hurts. I didn't go to the doctor, it could be mild concussion, but I don't think it really warranted a doctor visit...but damn, it hurt. A colleague of mine asked if twoK felt bad enough for injuring me and my very prompt response was NO. The colleague said, "Oh, it was that bad, eh?"
Anyway, that is why I'm not in Zumba. It sounds like I can't go back until the headache is gone, at minimum. Bleh.
Instead, I'm trying to make a schedule for me and the girls for this fall that will 1) accommodate my needs for working out, 2) give me enough time to get work done and 3) keep us from going stir crazy.
Oh, yea, today is N3nny's last official day with us. She will do weekends occasionally, and I know we'll miss her, but right now I am ready to not have a nanny. I'll post more about that later, not know.
Without N3nny, I'll be giving up 2 workouts a week, however the possibilities for making these two workouts are actually pretty good. If I don't like any of the new possibilities, I could potentially find someone to help me out with the girls at those class times, but right now, the idea of finding someone new isn't high on my list of things I want to do.
Here's some things I have to keep in mind for the next two weeks.... I KNOW IT WILL BE CRAZY busy and MAJOR BIG ADJUSTMENT and that I will want to cry for some of the times, but it will be okay... It will get better.
Here's what I need to keep in mind as we go into this new adventure...
1) I don't want a nanny anymore
2) I get to spend more time with the girls and I get to take them to dance classes!
3) They are super fun, and at dance class time, I'll have one-on-one time with the girl not in class. Bonus.
4) I can always temporarily change my status at work to work less if need be
5) There is afterschool care at school, but the way I've scheduled things (dance classes and gymnastics), the only afternoons for it are Monday and Thursday. I am guessing I'll need to use Mondays for sure.
6) I will actually make money at work. For the last few years, I've not made as much as my nanny for my net pay. My gross was more, but not net. While I knew I was investing in myself, it was still frustrating to not make as much net as I paid out.
Okay, the end for now. My head hurts.
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