Thursday, August 06, 2009

Fashion Crisis....

This morning... in twoK... Are we surprised???? No, we shouldn't be.

I don't know what to do. I think I just have to "step back" and ignore it.

The situation: She wanted to wear her ballet outfit to gymnastics. Fine, I agreed. I told her that if she didn't listen to her teacher she'd have to change into her OLD gymnastics outfit. She agreed. When she got there she decided she didn't want to wear the ballet outfit after all and she wanted her gymnastics outfit. I had forgotten to pack the old gymnastics outfit. I had used it as a threat, not as a reward, but she had decided she wanted it and all HELL broke loose. (Oh the screaming.)

I explained what had transpired to her teacher and left after about 10 minutes of twoK throwing a fit. I couldn't deal with it. I realize I forgot to pack it, but good grief, I didn't think she'd WANT to wear it. Next time, I will NOT suggest a change of clothing. Or, I will require HER to pack her own changes of clothing.

At first, I was overwhelmed by "what do I do?" But now, I realize that I do need to turn the problem and the solution over to HER. I was probably a little to blame this morning, since I FORGOT..... but I won't do it anymore. I am going to put her in charge....She decides what to wear and she is responsible for packing any changes of clothing. If she forgets, she deals. I will not be responsible. Sound reasonable to you?

She's 5. She's having fashion crises already.

Yes, I realize how silly this is in the scheme of things, but she doesn't. (Give me strength!)


RUTH said...

Sometimes your K and my K are so alike. As far as being to blame goes, I think that it is important children know their parents are imperfect, forgetful and occasionally fallible.

Lola Granola said...

I have so been there, sister...even if it's her problem, she'll make it your problem. Sadly, the scene when they forget to pack it themselves isn't much different...