Sunday, March 08, 2009


I dislike this time change! I like nights that stay light later, but the day of the change (even the week of the change) is JUST PAINFUL.

Hey, did I mention that oNe's kitty is a germ-y cat? You wouldn't know to look at him. He's got soft shiny fur. He's very energetic. He has a great appetite. We're still working on getting him as healthy as we can. I was really stressed about it last week, but now I realize I can't stress so much. I'll do what I can to help him and his slightly compromised immune system. I'm very good at giving kitties meds. I'm also a big believer in prevention rather than treatment.

You'll hear more specifics about oNe's kitty later. One thing we get to do is brush his teeth. Of all the cats in the world, he's probably one of the easier going ones, so he's not fighting too much on this--that's good! We're in the "let's see how much better we can get him" phase. It's a slow phase and one has to be patient and know that good diet, supplements when they can help, and medicines when something is acute can do a lot.

MWH's kitty went and got a blood draw yesterday. MWH's kitty has Chronic Renal Failure. We're hoping his numbers show that the disease isn't getting worse. I was delighted to learn that he hasn't lost any weight! This is a good thing with a sick kitty.

As long as I'm doing kitty updates...I miss Beloved Kitty... He's been gone for 4 years now. I can't believe it. I didn't mark the date on here this year, but I still miss him everyday. It's a little less painful, but I truly believe there will never be a kitty that I love as much as him.

Right now, oNe and twoK are making "cat food." It's pretend, but they have quite the production going in my kitchen. They made bags of it. It's pretty funny and cute. They are cooking for their kitties. (Yes, I do this. I don't package it up in catfood bags, but, they are improving on my methods.)

I've spent quite a bit of time thinking about work stuff this weekend. I accomplished a little writing. I got a consultant back involved in the project (on Friday I spoke with SH and now we'll use that money PS!) and we'll get a paper out of it. I'm going to be doing a work trip this week. It should be a good learning experience. Woo!

What else? Oh, the backyard saga continues. I'm hoping we can get 1/4 of it done this year. It's COMPLICATED. It seems that whatever we do construction-wise ends up being complicated. I guess we like challenges. Or something like that.

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