Saturday, January 17, 2009


I'm walking around saying "ow" a lot today. I took a "core strength class" yesterday. I am sore EVERYWHERE, not just in my core. We did so many triceps. My hamstrings are sore. My abs are sore. My pecs are so sore. My calves.... Yup. It's good though. I like this good sore feeling...

However, OW could stand for overwhelmed. I realized that we were almost out of laundry detergent and I almost cried.

Ow could also be what I said when I had a migraine yesterday. Apparently I get Acephalgic Migraines which means I have an Aura, but not a severe headache. However, yesterday was special. My head hurt quite a bit after the aura. And I felt slightly nauseous! I had two ibuprofen and two acetaminophen and was in pain for about 3 hours... Not horrible pain, but enough. AND, bonus! I was totally depressed. Apparently depression is one of the symptoms of migraines! Fun!

I'll tell you more about the overwhelmed feelings the migraine caused later. I even wrote a play-by-play of the aura that I might share later. Did you know that auras are usually exactly the same? I learned that yesterday as I googled about auras and migraines.

I think stress is what caused the migraine, but my migraines could be related to dehydration and stress combined. Then there's the numbness I have, and I'm sure that's related to my tendency to Acephagic Migraines....

Okay... Enough on this cheery subject. I'm getting a headache just thinking about it.


Zaz said...

My mom used to get migraines with auras (not so much now after menopause). Have you tried Imitrex?

RUTH said...

I'm hoping I'll get to the description of the aura. The auras I get with migraines are shimmery snakes dancing through the edges of my vision. Mine are a useful warning to take drugs before the pain starts.