Sunday, December 28, 2008

More un-twitters

I'm finding I'm having a hard time wanting to blog right now, and I don't know why. The days are full of good things and sad things and I find that I don't want to think deeper than 140 character blurbs.

1. Can't decide whether the tv stand that we bought from makes me happy or sad when I look at it.

2. am glad Dad had a good day yesterday (he went home to celebrate Christmas late with the fam). am sad I missed it.

2b. would like to go see Dad, but it's so hard in so many ways. am mad at myself for feeling this way.

3. love watching the little girls play and interact. I have brothers, but they are older, so watching siblings is very fun. feels etic.

4. am thinking about my goals for 2008 and assessing the progress on them...need to do this for end of year blog post.

5. My weight jumps around a LOT. I continue to lose inches, but not (a lot of) weight. Go muscle!

6. I have a hard time with twitter? I start to type something short and then get all crazy. Then I have to edit.

7. can't decide what we should do today. It's a nice day outside. We were supposed to go see a friend, but she's sick. Maybe the park.

8. How many twitters are appropriate in a day?

9. Yes, I'm playing around with "reactions" below. Any suggestions for categories?

1 comment:

RUTH said...

I like the categories - I haven't used them yet but I expect if H, K, mWH and our four nieces stay at the pool for another half hour I will.