Friday, December 26, 2008

The big day with the tree and the presents....

and now, the day after with the mess! Woo! It must have been a great day because our house is trashed. Heh.

One of my brothers and his family came down on Tuesday. It was fun having them here. My brother has a daughter so the girls had "big cousin" S. Because S was in between kid status and adult status, she could choose where she wanted to hang. She hung with the little girls most of the time. It was great. The little girls loved playing with S and their new toys.

While they were playing, my brother and I cooked a lot of food, my Father's recipes, and we drank lots of coffee. (Dad isn't doing well and it's really hard to think about it. I feel so wimpy not wanting to think about it, but it is so sad to me. One of my brothers was with Mom yesterday and I am so glad he was. The rest of the siblings were not with Mom. We video chatted with Mom last night. That was good, but it's not the same.) MWH spent some time on the phone chatting with his family while my brother and I cooked.

The little girls got lots of books. MWH got lots of crocs (to see if he liked any different styles). I got lots of silicone... NO, not implants, for cooking. (heh!)

Big hits of the day, remote control mouse for oNe's kitty. Super fun if you have a cat who likes to play! (We didn't get that particular mouse, but one very similar, but we got ours at Tar*get and it was cheaper!)

My sister-in-law and I did a Zumba video after dinner.

Three-a loves the castle and so does twoK... oNe loves these little dinosaurs, and the remote control mouse...

Despite having company, and doing a lot of cooking, I read an entire book in ~ 24 hours. It wasn't a present, MWH had gotten it on one of our vacations this summer and in our cleaning frenzy it came into view. As I got up early to guard the tree, I picked it up and started reading. It was a fun Sci-Fi read. It's fun to read novels. I must make it a goal in 2009 to read more fun books.

I just asked the little girls what their favorite part of Christmas was.

Three-a says her favorite part of Christmas was when Santa was coming.... This is kind of funny because she wouldn't go to sleep on Christmas Eve because she said she didn't want Santa to come.

twoK says opening presents was her favorite part.

oNe says when S got her camera. S wanted a camera for Christmas. Aww.

Okay... Go over to the other blog if you want to see the little girls sitting on Santa's lap. (Leave a comment with your email (I'll delete) if you don't know and want the URL to the other blog.)

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