Sunday, August 03, 2008

I really <3 Zumba.

Really. I'm going to have to start a Zumba Category here. I think this was my eighth class, but maybe we'll only call it the seventh--I did one while we were on vacation, but it was really lame compared to the one where I live!

Anyway, I love it. It is such a good workout. It totally kicks my butt and works my abs. My back feels good because it really loosens up everything. I was going to look into a personal trainer, and I still should, but if I get in 4-5 workouts a week, I may not need/want one. (I know I should be doing more weights. Weights are GOOD for you.) (Zumba is good in one way and weights are good in another.)

Yea, I'm really boring, eh?

Zumba makes me smile!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I still need to try it! I did, however, go to a kick ass yoga class yesterday with Natalie. It was pretty intense. I loved it! And I'm sore all over this morning (in a good way).