Friday, July 25, 2008


Tonight, K (4) and T (2.95) fell asleep as we were driving back to the hotel. MWH was driving the little girls and I was driving my parents and their car. We met back at the hotel. MWH and I decided we'd take our car and go buy some snacks for everyone before returning to the hotel, but N (6.5) decided she wanted to go in the hotel with Grandma and Grandpa. She promised to be good so we let her go with them.

After MWH found snacky-goodness, we drove back to the hotel. K and T woke up and walked in to the hotel. (Thank goodness! They are heavy.) We were heading up the elevator and suddenly K started screaming and crying. "Where's N_______? We need N_______!!! N_______!" We told her N was upstairs. She was so worried we'd lost N. It was sweet.

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