Thursday, May 22, 2008

On cue...

I took N (6) and B-cat (N's cat) to the vet today. B-cat has had a cold/runny nose for a while now. We took him to the vet about a month ago and concluded he wasn't that sick, probably a little kitty cold. A month later he's still sneezing and having watery eyes, however, B-cat still has plenty of energy, doesn't look sick, eats well, and seems fine.

[Warning: talk of flying green cat snot ahead, only continue reading if you can handle it.]

The vet is looking at me a little funny, probably trying to decide whether I am being a little over-concerned about our cat. I'm explaining how when he sneezes snot often flies out of his nose. Immediately after I say that, B-cat sneezes and big glob of green kitty snot comes flying out of his nose and lands on the back of my hand.

Perfect timing B-cat!

If the vet had been worried I was being a little freaky too worried about our cat and his sneezes, suddenly he gets that I'm worried about a real problem.


RUTH said...

My rat Tanith had allergies (probably to dust mites). She used to sneeze frequently. It was very handy when she was out and about around the house and I wanted to find her.

Mrs. CP said...

So what did the vet think was the problem?