Thursday, May 29, 2008


My friend Nino just posted about the books she's reading.

From the comment I left Nino:

Sigh. I'm working really hard on turning off my computer and reading a BOOK, but I am still sucked in to the blogosphere (both for fun and for work). I read a lot of blogs that help me with work and I justify my reading and staying in the blogosphere that way.

I read journal articles and chapters from books about work stuff all the time, but I don't think I've read a whole book for pleasure since last fall. Must. change. that. this. summer!

I have a HUGE stack of books beside my bed that I want to read. I'll list them at some point. I'm making it a goal to finish one book in the next week or so. I have two papers I need to work on (lots of writing and background work) this summer, but now that class is OFFICIALLY over (but I still have things I want to think about and write) I should have time to turn off the computer and read. The problem is that I don't like to be interrupted when I read a book. I want to get sucked in completely and transported to another world. I can't grab a book when I am with the girls. However, when I'm with the little girls, I can read blogs and think in small chunks. Help! Suggestions? How do I make time for me to read again?

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