Saturday, January 05, 2008

Really Proud...

This afternoon, MWH was out with K (3.5) while I baked cupcakes for N (turning 6!!!!). N wanted to do the baking with just me (no K). I obliged and got MWH to run an errand to enable this to occur.

Anyway, after I got the cupcakes in the oven, I turned my attention to the huge pile of dishes in the sink. I knew they needed to go in the dishwasher. I don't often do dishes at our house... (Just part of the reason MWH is MWH!) I got the dishes in the dishwasher... IT WAS HARD.

Next, I knew the dishwasher needed 1) soap and 2) to be turned on so the dishes would wash. I found the soap. It was at this point that I realized I wasn't sure how to do step 2.

Isn't that great???? MWH is so wonderful I'm not sure how our dishwasher works. I pushed a button and heard some noises and thought I'd succeeded in turning it on. I was proud!

Right before we were having dinner, MWH realized we should have washed dishes, but since he was out running the errand he didn't get them going. I told him my adventure of turning on the dishwasher. He went to check it and found I hadn't actually gotten it going.


My friend, DM, was over and witnessed the whole exchange. She was laughing and laughing. My Mom, who is visiting, told me MWH spoils me too much*. What do you think? Personally, I am very proud of my lack of knowledge about our dishwasher. I also realize I am very lucky to have MWH.

*Despite not doing dishes, I do things around here. I am satisfied with the division of labor here and I think MWH is okay with it too. I know both MWH and I are excited for the girls to be a bit older and have actual CHORES. (Note to self, must work on that this year! N is old enough!)


Anonymous said...

That is hysterical. I love it for you! And it reminds me of the time a couple of years ago that I had to call Guy to ask him how to cook corn. LOL

PS said...

Hilarious! I think whatever division of labor works is just fine. My own WH asked me to help him in the yard today, to spread snail bait on all the flowers, and I had to ask him where the flowers were. You can't know everything :)

Colleen said...

I would never criticize a man for doing housework! You are one lucky woman! I would be the one who would have to explain how to start the dishwasher to my husband. Oh, and where the detergent is!