Sunday, December 02, 2007

slowing down...

I'll be slowing down on the cold posts. I'm starting to feel like a bit of a human again. It's about time! Okay, so I'm not the most patient sick person. Heh.

I may even leave the house today. We'll see. I don't want to get too crazy. I am going to try to go the day without cold meds. I will take advil. My head is pounding. Did I mention I got up with 2 little girls (K and T) four times last night? Sigh. I also got up once for the cat and once to go to the bathroom myself. And then I was thinking about the stats for the project and figured something out...I've got that jittery feeling again. I feel very AWAKE, but I have a very bad headache. I don't know if it's from the Sudafed or if it's the illness. K seems extra awake too so it might be the illness.

I leave you with one of the nicest things a husband could say to a wife... MWH was folding laundry last night*. He folded a pair of my pants and said, "Those are really small." My pants! Small! Woo-Hoo! Then he said, "How long until I get your clothes mixed up with the girls' clothes?" Again, very nice! That's why he's MWH.

*That earns him his name too!

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