I think part of the problem is I keep thinking I should be better by now. But I've only really been sick since Thursday night. On Thursday, I was a leeeetle sick. On Thursday, I knew things could go either way--either I could get really sick, or I could fight it and win. I was still optimistic I could fight and win until around 6 pm Thursday. It was around then I started sensing I was losing the battle. I kept taking Zicam and didn't fully given up hope until around 11 pm Thursday night.
Aren't you so glad you get to have analyze every move of my illness?
I'm a little bored. I'm too sick to really concentrate on anything very heavy-duty (e.g., the stats I need to be working on for a fun project, or the papers I need to grade) for very long.
I have managed to go shopping online and get more presents for the little girls for the upcoming holiday. I've also managed to find all the video tapes I've taken of the little girls recently. For a while, this afternoon, I was worried I had lost a whole tape. Fortunately, I just hadn't played all the way to the end of one and the footage I was looking for was there! Whew!
Oh, I'm tired. I'm even boring myself here. Maybe I should try to sleep. I wish I could turn on bad TV and snuggle up to MWH, but someone has to take care of the 3 little girls. I don't like watching bad tv alone.
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