Sunday, December 16, 2007

Making a list....

I can't believe it's the holidaze. I can't believe I'm not really too Bah Humbuggy even. I have a lot of work to do, but maybe I'm just getting used to always working on something.

I figured I'd make a quick list about what we did this weekend, and what I have to do this week. If I don't have much time to blog it's 'cause it is a busy time!

This weekend

1. Took the girls on a few errands.

2. Took the girls to lunch at one of our fav places.

3. Went to a pet store and looked at kitties needing homes. (N (5.9) will probably get one when she's 6! We saw a sweet little girl one... she was spunky... She might be the one, or not. We'll see.)

4. Went to the Y to work out... MWH and I traded-off with the girls. First, he took them to the park area there and then I took them swimming! Me, by myself! Impressive, eh?

5. Finished up Holiday Cards and most family gifts. MWH is heading out to mail them now. Woo-hoo!

6. Cleaned the kitchen floor.

7. Worked for about 8 hours on work stuff.

8. Cleaned the bathroom floors.

Yea, it was a relaxing weekend. (Really, it wasn't too bad. I've had much more stressful ones.)

This week

1. Get a good draft of a report to the I folks.

2. Work on the second part of the I folks stuff.

3. Finish writing my final for my students and photocopy it!

4. Give the final.

5. Grade the final.

6. Finalize and turn in grades.

7. Work on the I report.

8. Work on the combining two analyses idea.

9. Work on the C Report.

10. Work on the C paper.

11. Buy cookie cutters so we can make salt-dough ornaments (I've never done this before, but I want to try.)

12. Have one of our neighbors from our previous neighborhood over to hang out for a while. (Note to self, don't forget to get the gift for her!)

Fortunately, the two holiday parties I needed to attend this year were the 6th and 7th, so we don't have any social obligations. I would like to find time to have our neighbors come over and hang out during this festive time of year.

I think that about covers it.

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