Friday, November 30, 2007


I am sick. Honest-to-gosh sick. I ache. I didn't sleep very well because I was feverish and having terrible dreams. I was so feverish I had to wake MWH up at 3:44 am to go get me some tylenol. I didn't want to wake him, but I knew walking over to the kitchen to find the tylenol would probably result in me collapsing and shivering and being on the floor all night.

We didn't have any adult tylenol, so he did math and I took some of the children's tylenol. It helped and about an hour later I was able to fall asleep and sleep decently (not feverishly) until 8.

Now, it's 10:30 am and my head hurts. I had to break out the Afrin last night. It sucks to be sick.

Usually stuff doesn't get me like this, but this one has kicked me hard! I think I feel worse than I did when I had bronchitis last spring. Fortunately, I know K (3.5) (the vector for this illness) is mostly better now.... She was really sick on Wednesday... She was only really sick for 12-24 hours. Hopefully I'll be the same.

It's funny, whenever I get the cold/illness they had, I suddenly have insights to their requests... This time, K kept asking for "water with ice...." She normally drinks water no ice. I understand now... My mouth feels like it's on fire. Not unusual for a fever/illness, but now I get it. Sometimes you have to beat me over the head for me to understand.

Excuse me while I fall asleep now.

1 comment:

Mrs. CP said...

Oh no! I hope you have a speedy recovery!