Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Summer 2007

I don't think I ever wrote the post that I meant to write about N's school. We've really enjoyed being at S_______ School. Over the last two years, she has learned so much. It was a great experience. All of the families were great. The teachers were great. The office staff, well, I'll just say, um, [thinking...] they prepared me for the office staff at the Elementary school.

Okay, back to the story. We enrolled N in the summer kindergarten program HOW ON EARTH DID SHE GET SO OLD???? and we were excited. Then, we found that the kindergarten program was an all day program and started at 8:15. I was in so much shock. I wrote this post. We don't do mornings. Having to be somewhere at 8:15 am, 5 days a week would make all of us miserable. She's too young to be that miserable. MWH and I are too old.

Needless to say, we cancelled and N isn't going to school this summer. I've been scouting around and there are lots of afternoon summer camps so it's not too bad. It's a little overwhelming because I have to think about all the choices. N's nervous about going to new places, but she will be fine. She's weird the first day and then she loves whatever she's doing. We're doing an art camp for a week, a gymnastics camp for at least one week, science camp for a week, and after we try those out then I'll decide on more based on what she really likes.

Miss K (3) will start ballet this summer! I also have her enrolled in gymnastics and swim lessons.

Miss T (22 months) will keep doing gymnastics. Did I tell you how much she loves the class? She's really good too.

Okay... end of the documentation post.

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