Friday, June 08, 2007

A full day

I got to hang all day with K and T! Yippee.*

It was a little touch-n-go around nap time.... They were tired, but neither of them wanted to sleep... I needed them to sleep because we had a play date with one of N's friends after preschool.

When I was starting to get frustrated with them and their antics, I put them in the car and DROVE ... I drove for about 5 minutes and K (3) fell asleep. About 15 minutes later T finally fell asleep. They each ended up getting a 40 minute nap. That's about the minimum amount necessary to keep them on the happy side of things. Whew.

Nothing real exciting, but I am happy to be hanging with my girls! T is getting so big. Where did my baby go????

*I need to make it so my schedule allows me to be Mommy for one full-day a week this coming year. It was nice to have a whole day with the girls. Teaching that class last semester was fun, but it really took a lot of work. Teaching one class (new prep) and working 20 hours a week is pretty much equivalent to a full-time job. How can I do it all in 4 days a week? .... Sigh. I need to give up something, but I don't know what.

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