Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Why is it that the lane I am in on the highway/freeway is the slowest (stopped actually) lane... It doesn't matter what lane I'm in, or if I change lanes--the lane I'm in is ALWAYS slowest.
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1 comment:

RUTH said...

I read some queueing theory once on why the queue you're in is always slowest but I can't remember the explanation.

A plausible explanation for queues is that if there is one exceptionally slow queue, so slow that people stand in it long enough to realise it isn't moving relative to the other queues and then change queue then when you arrive it will be the shortest queue so you'll join it.

For lanes it might be that you, and everyone else, chooses 'the best' lane for where you're going and if you are going to the same place then 'the best' lane will be the same for everyone and therefore slowest.

Or you might be cursed. Or your car might have pheromones that attract other cars. Or it might be that all the other cars are filled with people paid to slow you down so Elvis can leave your next destination before you arrive.

Inventing explanations is so much fun.