Thursday, April 26, 2007

What does the _____ say?

T (20 months) and I were going through her knowledge of animals and their sounds.

What does the lion say?
What does the cow say?
What does the sheep say?
What does the horse say?
What does the kitty say?

All were answered correctly... And then I asked, "What does the T__ say?"

She replied, "I don't want that."

Heh. That is one of her sayings.

I want Mama.
I don't want to.
I don't want to wear this.
I want to wear this.
are we in trouble or what???!
She talks so much. She'll say long sentences. I need to try to capture them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is soooooo cool!!!

She sounds so smart!

I am babysitting a littl girl who is almost 16 months old. She's a lot of fun now, too. I see such big differences everytime I see her!