Wednesday, April 11, 2007

K at almost 3

I can't believe K (2.9) is so close to being 3. Three years ago I was nice and pregnant. I can't believe it's only been three years and that it's already been three years. In Star Trek, whenever there is a time anomaly, they detect chroniton particles.... There must be a lot of chroniton particles in this house! Lots of time weirdness.

Anyway, the point was not to talk about time continuum problems, but to give a little update on K. She's almost all the way weaned. Instead of nursing for 3 seconds twice a day (6 seconds total) she's asking to nurse (for 3 seconds) every other day. She's been dry at night for weeks now, but she still wants to sleep in pull-ups. I'm fine with that. We still have about 1/2 a bag left. I hope I don't have to buy another bag, but it's a small price to pay if it makes her happy. She says she'll stop wearing pull-ups after she goes to preschool (starts in June).

She entered a really good phase in February, but for the last week or so she's been kind of difficult. Not as difficult as she was before, but more so than the last couple of months. She's easiest for me, but challenging for almost everyone else. She is a Mama's girl. My sweet snuggly little one! She LOVES to snuggle. I love to snuggle with her. She just melts and molds to you. So sweet.

I can't believe how big she is. I'm looking forward to her doctor's appointment when she is three to see how tall she is. She just looks like such a little girl. No more baby. My second little girl is almost 3.

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