Saturday, April 28, 2007


I don't seem to have anything to say... I guess I have things that are on my mind, but I don't really want to publish them. However, those things seem to be blocking my ability to write about anything else. Don't worry about me or us....It's just work stuff....


Work is very important to me so having it on my mind is kind of big. It's not new stuff happening... In fact, that's the problem, nothing has really changed in a month at work. If we don't have something good happen soon, then the absence of something good will be the same as something bad.

I guess, on Friday, something kind of happened... We went to a meeting with the HF people. My supervisor had one purpose in mind and my colleague and I thought we were there for another reason. The meeting felt like a really bad date.

Think of the worst date you've ever been on... You know, the kind where you say black and the other person says white and then you almost throw a drink in their face and run away. Yea, that's what the meeting felt like.

It wasn't a big picture bad thing, but it left a horrible taste in my mouth.

I think part of the problem, and why things are bothering me so much, is that I'm a "back-up plan" kind of person. I always have to have a back-up plan ready to go, and then I feel better. I have a back-up plan. In fact, I have about 6 of them now.... The problem is that until we have an outcome at work, I can't go on to any of the new things. Being in limbo, or purgatory sucks.

Okay.... That's all for now. I'll unveil more later if/when I can.

But wait...

On the little girl front, we had a fun day. We went to a birthday party for one of K's (2.9) friends. It was at a great park! I've heard great things about this park for years now, but haven't ever been. Now I'm wondering why we didn't go sooner! It was fantabulous!

Next up, I have to plan K's birthday party. I want to have it in 3 weeks... I should probably send out invites, eh? I'm just planning to do a small get-together here at the house.

1 comment:

RUTH said...


I'm trying not to think of the worst date I've ever been on.





That bad? You poor thing.