Monday, March 05, 2007

Status Update

Lit Review:

4 more articles to go. I'll make it by midnight tomorrow for sure. I might even make COB (5 pm). I might get 2 more done before 10 am tomorrow. Or not. I'll see how tired I am at 6 am tomorrow.


She's got a fever. She's got a goopy eye. The ear with fluid in it is hurting. I hope she's not too sick tomorrow, but preschool is out of the question.

I am so sad she's sick. She's such a little trooper. She rarely complains. If she feels sick, she just wants to go to bed. She's such a sweetie. I tucked her in with an extra blanket tonight because she was "cold" (the fever is making her feel that way). Poor girl.


Mrs. CP said...

Hugs to N! I hope she feels better soon. A is off to the doctor this afternoon. I think she has a UTI.

RUTH said...

Poor wee thing.