Sunday, March 11, 2007

sick status

MWH sick. Fortunately, it is "just a cold" so far.

K (2.75) seems to be over the worst of it. This morning she woke up not coughing. This is the first time she hasn't been hacking up a lung in a few days. Yesterday and Friday she had a low-grade fever. I haven't taken her temperature today. I think she's normal or 99. She's still very whiny. That seems to be one of the hallmarks of this cold. It turns them whiny and makes me cry (emotional R us). Oh, and goopy eyes. Did I mention the goopy eyes? Another distinct trademark of this cold.

N (5) seems pretty good. She doesn't want to go to school tomorrow (she says) but we'll see what happens tomorrow. She didn't have a fever yesterday (99 a couple of times) but nothing like Friday. She seems better today than yesterday.

T (18 months) is probably the sickest little girl today. She has a little fever (~100), but she is such a happy-go-lucky baby (#3's seem to be!) that other than a little whimpering occasionally, you wouldn't know.

Me... I am tired. My chest still hurts. I guess, given that it hurt for 2 weeks before I went to the doctor, I shouldn't expect it to be all better today only 2 days after antibiotics. I got coffee today (didn't have any Friday or Saturday... How I knew I was really sick!). The coffee is helping give me some energy.

We're all a little stir-crazy and twitchy today. MWH and I want to do some work and the girls, well they are bored. Off I go to try to play and then get some naps going.

1 comment:

RUTH said...

I'll try sending summery well wishes to you...