Thursday, March 01, 2007


When our girls start doing something new, we forget what it was like before they could do that skill... e.g., T's always walked and K and N have always spoken.

T's (18 months) new thing is crying when she goes to bed. I vaguely recall that for the longest time in T's life she would just lay down and snuggle with her blanket and go to sleep without a peep. I'm sure I wrote about it, but I don't feel like searching to find it. Okay, I felt guilty... Here's what I wrote... Apparently I didn't describe it very well, but it used to be so sweet. You'd lay T down in her crib and she'd just look at you with her big blue eyes and she'd clutch her blanket to her face and just lay there. It was so sweet.

That sweet sleep without a peep thing is a thing of the past. It seems like she's been screaming when we put her to bed forever. It's probably only been a week or 2. Who knows... Life is a blur. Anyway, now she screams. For about 5-10 minutes. If I hold her longer, she still screams when I put her down. Maybe if I held her until she was completely asleep she wouldn't scream, but who knows how long that would take because when I hold her she starts playing... she'll stick her fingers in my nose and say, "What's that?" Or start giggling. And not going to sleep. I dislike leaving her screaming, but it doesn't last long. I imagine this phase won't last long either.

On a related note, she is less of a T__adactyl during the day, but more at night going to bed. Conservation of screaming.

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