Sunday, March 11, 2007

Doctor visits

Did I ever tell you how much I don't like going to the doctor? I like going to my OB/GYN, but not the doctor. I don't really have a "regular" doctor. When I was pregnant and seeing my OB/GYN all the time, it didn't matter so much. Now, I fear, it does matter.

I saw this one family practice doctor I liked, but now she's "full" and won't take any new patients. I am considered a "new patient" because I let 3 years go between visits to her. If they would have told me I needed to see her again, I would have. I think I may try to get back in to her because I did like her (7 years ago). My new doctor... The one they assigned me, I don't really like. I don't dislike, but I just don't feel anything towards her. I feel that if you're going to have as intimate of a relationship as you have with a doctor that you should like them. If they are going to be the one making decisions (with you) about your health, then you at least should agree on a philosophy.

Anyway, when I decide it's time to go to the doctor (e.g., what happened on Friday), I also think you should be able to get in to see a doctor right away. Maybe the rest of the world doesn't have the belief I do about waiting, and maybe that's why they book appointments four days later, but I would have probably been really sick by Monday.

(The antibiotics seem to be helping a great deal. I think I needed them. I still am exhausted and in pain, but it's a little better. I'll do a full update on the whole gang after we've been up for a while and can tell how everyone is doing.)

Anyway, in my copious spare time, I will try to find a doctor I like. I love the girls' pediatrician. I love my OB/GYN. Now I need to find a family doctor I love too.

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