Tuesday, December 05, 2006


For the longest time, N (almost 5!) has been watching older kids climb into the toddler swing all by themselves at the park, and then swing standing up. She'd ask me to help her do it too. I told her I was not going to help with that. She finally mastered getting into the toddler swing and swinging standing up all by herself (on Sunday). She. is. so. proud.

To the Moms of younger kids at our park, I apologize. I can't believe that N is now one of the big kids setting a bad example, and swinging standing up, but she came by it honestly. Soon, sooner than you will believe, your little ones will be doing the same thing. They grow up so fast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sm realizing the Lily and Wy will be the hated kids at nursery school, the ones who know all the stuff that the pure first and only kids don't, and teach them about evil things like Disney and calling each other p**py face. Hooray!