Friday, September 22, 2006

Fall Routine

We've mostly adjusted to our new fall routine. Today marked the start of K's (28 months) gymnastics class. She loves gymnastics. We had a little break (about 4 weeks) between the end of the summer classes and the start of the fall ones. She kept asking when we could go back. Last night we told her it was "tomorrow." She woke up this morning at 7 asking if we could go right then. I said we needed to sleep a little more and then we could go.

At 8:30 she got up and got dressed. This photo was taken in July, but that's what she looked like walking to class today. It's what she always looks like (purse and all).

Here's a photo of her doing a summersault. Note that her toes are pointed. She's got so much enthusiasm in class. She just bounces. She works hard. For someone not quite 2.5 she is really coordinated. (Nah, I'm not biased.)

This fall we have a new teacher. So far she likes Teacher G, but as we were walking home and talking about the class, I asked if she had fun. She said, "Yes, but I was sad too because I missed my friends." I inquired as to who her friends were. She said, "Teacher C. I miss Teacher C." Awwww. We'll see Teacher C tomorrow because she is N's teacher. We'll tell her.

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