Wednesday, August 23, 2006


We have to do a follow-up doctor's visit for T. We know nothing yet. T developmentally (observable cognition) is great, but the doctor has a concern. I am now freaking and googling as fast as I can. I can't write about it yet. My little baby girl. This is suckage. More soon. Good thoughts please.

The other part to the suckage is that my parents are HERE and I don't want them to worry because hopefully it will be needless worry. I want to do all the needless worrying around here. Oh how much it sucks to be a Mom and in charge of worrying.

I am just thankful that my Mom didn't go to the doctor's appointment and hear it there. I COULD NOT deal with having to console her. Thank goodness for small miracles. I am "doing work whille T naps" as far as they are concerned. Yes, T is napping. No, I can't concentrate. Did I mention suckage?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sending you GOOD THOUGHTS and NO SUCKAGE from MI!!!